Mt. Lebanon
Missionary Baptist Church
Our Pastor
The Rev. Nathaniel Carter is a native of Montgomery, Alabama. The Carter Family moved to Columbus, Ohio in 1957, following the "Montgomery Bus Boycott" led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His father (Nathan Carter) was intimately involved in the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), which led to the "Civil Rights" movement in Montgomery, in 1955-56.
Nathaniel was baptized by the late Elder J.C. Wilbur, at the Wayne Avenue Church of God (on the Hilltop), on the West Side of Coliumbus, Ohio. It was there that the Lord began to mold his life, preparing him to preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the gift of Prophecy.
Following graduation from East High School ('60), Rev. Carter enlisted for four (4) years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He served two (2) years with the Fourth Marines, "Fleet Marine Force," based at Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. It was during the "Cuban Missile Crisis" (April 1961), when the Fourth Marines were intimately involved and ready to fulfill the "MISSION" when called upon by President John F. Kennedy. In hindsight, Rev. Carter believes that it was a providence of God, that the President called off the "MISSION" in light of a possibility of a nuclear war with Cuba inspired by Russia. After an Honorable Discharge ('64), Rev. Carter served three (3) years with the "Lima Company" U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, now located at Rickenbacker ANGB, Col., OH. Rev. Carter retired from the U.S. Postal Service, after thirty-four (34) years of service. He was called to preach the Gospel of Christ in 1978, at the Mt. Hermon Baptist Church (Col., OH), under the Pastorate of the late, S.R. Doughty, Sr. He has served the Mt. Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church (1775 Eddystone Ave., Col., OH) as Pastor for over twenty-three (23) years.
Pastor Carter continued his education, earning a degree in Bookkeeping and Accounting, United States Armed Forces Institute; Associate Degree in Academics; Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology; and studied for his Master of Divinity Degree at Payne Theological Seminary (ATEP) at Wilberforce, OH, and the United Theological Seminary (Dayton, OH).
Pastor Carter has served as President of the Ministers, Deacons & Trustees Institute of the Eastern Union Missionary Baptist Association; Director of Christian Education for the Baptist Ministerial Alliance of Columbus, OH; and served as Vice Chairman to Dr. John M. Alexander, Jr., Chairman (Husband's Committee) of the International Association of Ministers' Wives and Ministers' Widows Association, Inc. (Headquartered, Richmond, VA).
Pastor Carter has a son (Steven Carter) and a daughter (RoQuesa Carter, with granddaughter Georgeena Minter and grandson Tevaun Harmon). He is married to Cheryle D. Carter and they have a daughter, NaQuita Carter (and a grandson Jaden Nathaniel Carter Garnes).

Our Church
The Mt. Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church (MLBC), under the leadership of Pastor Nathaniel Carter, welcomes you to the city of Columbus; the State of Ohio; and the County of Franklin. Most importantly, we welcome you to worship with us in building the "Kingdom of God" through the Lord Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
At the MLBC, the Gospel of Christ Jesus is preached at the 11:00 AM Worship Service on Sunday, taught in the classroom on Wednesday (from 6 to 8 PM); and lived in the Spirit daily. If you're visiting Columbus, we invite you to come and worship with us!
Proverbs 18:24 - "A man that hath friends must show himself freindly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
His name is JESUS!
Our Mission:
The MLBC seeks to save the LOST and energize the SAVED, by consecrated, sound, Biblical Doctrine. The MLBC strives diligently to build the "Body of Christ" through a process of Christian Education & Growing in the Spirit to a unified fellowship. We're continually looking forward to Christ's return for His Church, prior to His "second advent." We believe that the Church of Christ is an organism nurtured by the "Word of God," in the world but not of the world. We believe the Lord's Church is a non-denominational church in her origin.
We believe also in the "dispensational" Triune God Head's visibility in the Bible, from Genesis to the "Revelation of Christ." We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ultimate reality of the invisible God, the Father and the Holy Spirit [Colossians 1:14-17; John 14:8-14].
Therefore, we believe that the "Great Commission" given by Christ Jesus to his Apostles is perpetual; that is, we shall pass the "baton" (Gospel Ministry) on to our successors until Christ returns. "Yes!" He is risen; that is not the end of the Gospel Story, He is coming back again...